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Office 703

Home Services Development of a work-plan project

Development of a work-plan project

A work plan project (abb. WPP) is a document which helps to optimize the construction and installation processes, as well as to control the quality of followed instructions and compliance with the proper labor safety requirements. Well-developed WPP will allow the customer to save his money and to proceed to the implementation of the project - to the reconstruction or construction of buildings - as soon as possible.

A company that does not have a work-plan project is not permitted to begin the construction. Therefore, customers often require an urgent documentation development. Specialists of our company will cope with this task both quickly and efficiently. During the entire period of the WPP development, our engineer will keep in touch with a client and will answer all his questions.

The work-plan project requires the review of original documentation, accurate calculations and analysis of the situation at the construction site. Therefore, the engineers of the "Basic Project" are always in touch with clients, without leaving out any details during the development of documentation.

In our company, you can order a work-plan project of the following types of work:

Moreover, it is possible to include works on landscaping, installation of metal structures, installation of scaffolding or temporary fences, development of internal engineering communications and sewers to the development of WPP. The engineers will take into account all the wishes of the customer and will also tell him about the possible nuances that may arise during the construction process.

If you order the development of a work-plan project from us, you can rely on the experience of our engineers in this area. We guarantee:

Are you ready to contact the “Basic Project”?

Call us at +375(17)308-79-41 or fill out the form below, and our specialists will start an immediate work!

Cost and terms of design work


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Or call us at

+375 (17) 308 79 41

Relized projects

Производство в д. Метявичи

"Реконструкция зданий и сооружений под производство, д. Метявичи, Солигорского района"

НПО "Пассат"

Рестораны быстрого питания "KFC"

Рестораны быстрого питания "KFC"

ООО "БелФудСервис"

Техническое перевооружение литейного цеха в Казани

ФОЦ "Макс Мирный"

"Расширение физкультурно-оздоровительного центра Макса Мирного"

ЧУП "Мирный теннис"

Why we?

The work of "turnkey"

- Provision of options for building plots;
- Engineering services;
- Design;
- Construction;
- Financial instruments of construction;
- Legal support of construction;
- Certification of imported technological equipment.

Highly qualified staff

Thanks to the number of employees and their expertise, we solve the tasks in the shortest possible time. Expert solutions in the design, allows you to effectively spend money for construction, thus saving considerable budgets.

Business processes

We have implemented and operate ERP and CRM systems in our company, which can significantly reduce the project implementation time and simplify communication with the customer


We offer accurate pricing and flexible payment options

Any questions? Make call!

Leave your number and email and we will call you back.


State Enterprise "UKS of the Frunzensky District of Minsk city"

“The State Enterprise "UKS of the Frunzensky district of Minsk expresses its gratitude to OOO "Basic project". The project was completed with high quality, on time and in accordance with the technical legal acts of the Republic of Belarus. OOO "Basic Project" has shown a high level of professionalism and good organization of work.”

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OAO "Peleng"

“OAO "Peleng" expresses its gratitude to the employees of OOO "Basic Project" for the work performed on the development of pre-project (pre-investment) documentation. The design work of the facility was carried out at a high professional level in full and in compliance with all the required deadlines. OOO Basic Project can be considered as a reliable and experienced design partner.”

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ISUP "Beijing Uni BelConstruction Group"

“ISUP "Beijing Uni BelConstruction Group", expresses gratitude and appreciation to OOO "Basic project" for the timely and high-quality implementation of design work. OOO "Basic Project" showed an effective organization of the production process, competence, individual approach and flexibility in resolving non-standard situations. The work of OOO Basic Project meets high technological requirements and ensures the completion of the facility on time.”

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ООО "Game World Limited"

“ OOO "GameWorld Limited" expresses its gratitude to OOO "Basic Project" for the development of design documentation, completed on time and at a high professional level.”

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RUP «Izdatel'stvo «Belblankavyd»

“RUP "Belblankavid" Publishing House expresses gratitude to you and your employees for organizing and conducting design and survey work in relation to general construction, engineering and finishing works. During the design and survey work, the design organization OOO "Basic Project" demonstrated optimal professionalism, high qualifications of performers , technological literacy and proper quality of work.”

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ZAO "Yunifud"

“ZAO "Unifud" expresses its gratitude to the employees of OOO "Basic Project" for the work performed on the development of design documentation. All work was performed in compliance with building codes, rules and regulations. ZAO "Unifud" recommends this company as a reliable partner for the implementation of design work to other organizations.”

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OOO "Viber Media"

“OOO "Viber Media" expresses gratitude to the employees of OOO "Basic Project" for the work performed on the development of design documentation.The design work of the facility was carried out at a high professional level in full and in compliance with all required deadlines.We recommend OOO "Basic Project" as a reliable and experienced design partner.”

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“"CITIC CONSTRUCTION Co., LTD" expresses its gratitude to OOO "Basic Project"”

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OOO «Kompaniya «Russkij les»

“With this letter OOO «Kompaniya «Russkij les» addresses the employees of the design organization OOO “Basic project” with gratitude and sincere respect.”

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OOO «Atrioni»

“OOO "Atrioni" expresses gratitude to the employees of OOO "Basic Project" for the work performed on the development of design documentation for the object”

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